Menaka Rodriguez
Head - Resource Moblisation and Outreach • India Foundation for the Arts • female
Bangalore India

Request For Proposal - Online Museum
IFA invites proposals from applicants for the creation of a Virtual Museum of Kodava Heritage and Culture (VMKHC) as a special initiative under our Arts Services. The VMKHC will be an interactive online space for the rich and thriving heritage of the Kodavas of Coorg, Karnataka, offering a glimpse into their history, land, lives, arts, customs and cultural practices. We seek proposals from curators, visual artists, historians, researchers, scholars, museum professionals and other creative practitioners with expertise in research and working with interactive virtual spaces including museums and experiential cultural venues. Proposals are welcome from collectives or collaborations across disciplines and domain knowledge.
Application deadline: Monday, May 17, 2021
#IFA #VMKHC #VirtualMuseum #ProjectProposals #ArtsServices #Kodava #Heritage #Culture
India Foundation For The Arts
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